Little Rascals

Class Prices

Term One:  €105

Term Two: €155

Term Three: €105

Term Four: €105

The class comprises of 20 mins of each element Singing, Dance and Drama

The main aim within this class is prepare the younger students for the big step into “big school”. This is the starting point in life where young children will try many different activities until they find their favourite. At this age, their imaginations are so active and fear is unknown so it’s a great time to try engage children to help make new friends and develop.
As we are a non-competitive school each child gets equal opportunity to be involved when they feel ready. At this age a lot of children need to watch for a while until they settle in. We do encourage children through News time. This is when the child gets to tell us something that has happed that week. When they finish they call action and the rest of the class has to re-enact the news. This helps with listening skills, communication and acting. As they are all acting at the same time they don’t feel watched or under pressure. This is a great warm up in Drama class, we then work on creative play, building stories with the use of props, images and just the children’s imaginations.

Singing aims to cover Disney, pop, action songs and even musical theatre. The warm up in singing helps to develop the children’s breathing and these techniques can come in very handy if you child ever feels upset or angry by encouraging deep breathing or humming like singing class.

Dance class is extremely important for children, teens and even adults as it is a great fun form of exercise. It also helps children to understand rhythm, timing, balance and having to learn different styles helps with the memory. Remembering steps isn’t that easy, you know.As all these classes are 20mins each, there is no time for being bored and having more than one teacher is also great for the development of skills and bringing out some real talent.

Please note we do NOT let parents into the room during class and we advise you do NOT look in the window as this does not help the student to build trust with their teachers. We understand that children can sometimes cry when trying new things. More often than not a quick chat with the teacher, being able to ask to go at any time, showing them their parents/guardians number in the work phone and becoming a class/teacher helper really makes them feel like they make the decisions while also helping them engage with others.

Dance like no-one is watching , sing like no-one is listening and act what ever way you want as long as you have manners and being nice to other


Little Rascal Fees

Term One €105 Buy Now
Term Two (uniform included - reduced price - personalised to each student) €155 Buy Now
Term Three €105 Buy Now
Term Four (includes end of year show fee) €105 Buy Now